1. Do you gain weight easier than ever before?
Major study discovers an estimated 40% of Americans suffer from a dysfunctional thyroid…12
Over 12 million Americans are unaware of their thyroid [dysfunction]… and Women are 5 - 8 times more likely to struggle with thyroid problems than men - American Thyroid Association
Now there’s a formula helping thousands of Americans increase energy, libido and kick start metabolism at any age!
“Have you ever watched a hamster running on a wheel?
“They run, run, run and go nowhere…”
“That’s what I feel like.”
“I’m exhausted all the time…”
“It’s hard for me to fall asleep at night…I toss and turn...”
“Then when I wake up and I feel exhausted. My brain feels foggy all day…“
“And I get all these anxious and depressed thoughts…”
“It’s all too overwhelming…”
My name is Dr Corina Kibsey.
Not too long ago I had a patient come into my practice.
She had trouble sleeping, anxiety, depression, brain fog, and unexplained weight gain...
I vividly remember our conversation…
She said.
Her life seemed to be going in reverse… taking one step forward and 3 steps back…
She was gaining weight without eating anything differently than she had 12 months earlier...
She tried changing diets… exercising when she felt the energy… nothing she did I could get it kick-started
It wasn’t just affecting her weight… she also felt bloated after eating. And every time she went to try to do “the business” it just wouldn’t happen for her.
There was no relief…I could see it on her face… she looked hopeless… withdrawn… at her wit's end…
She said I was her last hope…
I asked her, “When did all this start to happen?”
“Well, it all started after giving birth to my beautiful baby boy.”
“It was the happiest day of my life…”
“But about 3 months later… It was as if I was fighting the battle of my life.”
“It started with my sleep” I just couldn’t get a good night's sleep. Even when my Jacob started to sleep through the night.”
I thought this was normal…
Then I would get some sleep… and when I wake up I’d feel like I’d been up all night.
“I told friends about it, they tried to help but they just stopped calling after a while... they gave up trying to help…”
Well, those friends aren’t good friends!
“It nearly ended my marriage as well”
“My husband tried to help me, but looking after a little one and trying to keep the house in order was all too much”
“It really made me feel like a failure, causing more depressed thoughts…”
“I feel hopeless. Useless. If I can’t make my home a happy one or take care of my boy properly, they are probably better off without me...”
Those are some dire words, I thought to myself…
This is the case for so many Americans… and it’s what led me down the path to finding a natural solution to this massive problem.
There is a tiny butterfly-shapedland at the base of the neck.
And it’s so vitally important to our well-being.
It controls our body temperature, metabolic and heart rate, as well as digestion and our mood...
I’m talking about our thyroid.
And my patients’ was malfunctioning… big time.
But she isn’t alone.
According to the American Thyroid Association, there’s 20 million other Americans struggling with thyroid dysfunction…†
They also state that 60% of those sufferers go undiagnosed.
Another study estimated that 40% of American adults will suffer from an unhealthy thyroid in their lifetime.
That’s a lot of Americans.
That’s why I’m writing this to you today…
If you’ve been struggling with low energy throughout the day…
You have stubborn body fat that just won’t budge...
You toss and turn all night…
And you feel depressed and it’s not getting better year on year…
Thyroid dysfunction can lead to constant worry, depression anxiety, trouble falling asleep and getting a deep sleep, low energy throughout the day and mood swings you can’t control… AND stubborn weight gain and brain fog...
Do this at home self-examination see if your thyroid is working below what it should be…
Here’s how it works…
Answer the following questions as truthfully as possible…
1. Do you gain weight easier than ever before?
2. Is it harder to fall asleep now than 10 years ago?
3. Is it hard to focus at work or on things you used to find easy?
4. Is it tough to lose weight when you want to?
5. Do you have less sustained energy through the day even when you drink coffee?
6. Do you find yourself wishing for more confidence, energy and want to feel better in your own skin?
The more of these questions that you answered with a “yes” the more chance you have a weak thyroid that’s causing your health issues.
But don’t worry.
In just a few minutes I’m going to show you a simple natural formula…
That’s helped thousands of Americans help support a healthy, normal functioning thyroid…
Helping them lose stubborn fat… get a deep nights rest… and wake up with energy and happiness that gives them their youth back.
I know this might sound a little out there…
Because I didn’t realize it at the time, but this is actually really common.
Most doctors just prescribe drugs that address the symptoms of a dysfunctional thyroid.
Instead of addressing the root cause of the issue.
So while their indifference may cost you hundreds of dollars in prescription meds you don’t actually need (not to mention fill your body with synthetic hormones, side-effect filled drugs…)
And it’s probably the reason so many Americans suffer from thyroid conditions and aren’t aware of it.
Doctors will chalk your symptoms up to “old age” without treating the root cause of the problem!
You’ll feel like you aren’t really being heard, much less understood.
Thankfully, there are steps you can take to not only “jump start” your thyroid, but also keep it functioning the way it should, giving you back the quality of life you deserve!
The truth is modern medicine often doesn’t understand what causes one person’s thyroid to function less than another’s, although there is some research that shows a hereditary link.
A low functioning thyroid can also be linked to poor nutrition or the failure of the body to properly absorb nutrients.
Inflammation in the body can also cause your thyroid to malfunction†. Normally, inflammation is your immune system trying to protect you from viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.
But sometimes, your immune system is a bit too overprotective, and the immune system attacks the thyroid instead!
If you’re often under stress, have ulcers, yeast infections or food sensitivities, you may also be at risk for having a low functioning thyroid.
Here’s what will happen if your doctor diagnoses you with low thyroid function
You may think you just have to take a pill and you’ll suddenly feel better. But sadly, that’s not always the case. Low functioning thyroid is generally treated with a “synthetic” thyroid hormone.
Modern medicine has been able to somewhat replicate the body’s natural thyroid hormone in a lab, but not without some SERIOUS side effects.
What’s more, because the hormones that the thyroid puts out aren’t always consistent, blood tests need to be done consistently and the dosage of the synthetic thyroid hormone adjusted.
Too much, and you’ll feel worse than you do now. Too little, and you’ll keep gaining weight, feeling tired, cold, and mentally muddled.
I don’t tell you these things to frighten you, but to let you know that you do have options.
In order to effectively support your thyroid health and keep it functioning within a normal level, you have to employ a whole-body treatment†. It is for this very reason that I researched an all-natural† method to do just this. I call it the NEB formula†.
Introducing the secret NEB formula to help support and nourish a healthy thyroid gland†.
You may think you just have to take a pill and you'll suddenly feel better. But sadly, that's not always the case. Low thyroid is generally treated with a "synthetic" thyroid hormone.
Modern medicine has been able to somewhat replicate the body's natural thyroid hormone in a lab, but not without some SERIOUS side effects.
What’s more, because the hormones that the thyroid puts out aren’t always consistent, blood tests need to be done consistently and the dosage of the synthetic thyroid hormone adjusted. Too much, and you’ll feel worse than you do now. Too little, and you’ll keep gaining weight, feeling tired, cold, and mentally muddled.
I don't tell you these things to frighten you, but to let you know that you do have options.
In order to effectively support your thyroid health and keep it functioning within a normal level, you have to employ a whole-body treatment. It is for this very reason that I researched an all-natural formula to do just this. I call it the NEB formula.
NEB stands for:
Normalizes thyroid hormones†
Enhances energy levels†
Balances the immune system†
Normalizes thyroid hormones† - Having adequate levels of thyroid hormones is vital for proper thyroid functioning†. If these hormones are out of balance your entire body suffers. There are specific things you can take that can naturally support these hormones within an existing normal range†.
Enhances energy levels† - An underperforming thyroid can leave you feeling drained and sluggish. The thyroid determines how fast your metabolism is and how quickly your cells perform their jobs†. If your thyroid isn’t producing enough hormones, you’ll be fatigued.
There are natural ways you help boost your energy levels without the jittery feeling associated with caffeine and other harsh stimulants.
Balances the immune system† -Autoimmunity toward the thyroid is one of the main reasons why the thyroid fails to do its job. It’s not good when your immune system attacks your own thyroid. If you can balance your immune system, you can protect your thyroid so it can do its job.
Using this secret NEB formula is the best way I know of to balance your thyroid. The 3-pronged approach not only helps support the proper balance of thyroid hormones, but it can help boost energy levels and your immune system.
The NEB Formula is specifically designed to offer whole body nutritional support that works to balance and nourish your thyroid.
But the NEB Formula is only a formula. It requires natural ingredients that help support thyroid health. The good news is that there is a collection of herbs and other natural ingredients that can address all 3 parts of the NED formula.
We have researched scientific studies to find the best natural herbs that have data to back up their antifungal claims and properties.
In fact, some of these natural ingredients may surprise you with just how effective they are.
Iodine isn't found naturally in many foods. It can be found in certain types of seaweed, but when was the last time you ate seaweed? In the 1920s, iodine was added to table salt, but these days, people are eating less and less salt because of its connection to high blood pressure and heart disease.
Iodine is also one of those substances that cannot be produced naturally by the body, so it has to come from outside sources. Low iodine levels in the body cause an inability to process the hormones secreted by the thyroid1†. And even with modern advancements in supplementing our diets with iodine, it is still believed that as much as 30% of the world's population is iodine-deficient.
You may be surprised to learn that the thyroid produces the hormones T3 and T4 by combining iodine with the amino acid tyrosine; therefore, iodine is a vital part of proper thyroid function†.
It's important to note that in extremely rare cases, such as people who have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease (a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid), iodine can actually make the condition worse. Fortunately, there are other thyroid-boosting minerals that can help without the need to consume more iodine.
Originating in India and the Middle East, Ashwagandha is often used by herbalists and medical practitioners to help boost the body’s immune system†. It comes from the same family as tomatoes and helps naturally balance hormone levels in the body†. It has also been shown to boost energy levels, but without the jitteriness caused by caffeine and other types of natural stimulants.†1
Ashwagandha has also shown great promise in clinical studies. After two weeks of ashwagandha, patients’ hormone levels increased between 7-24%.†
When ashwagandha was taken as a daily supplement, more thyroid hormone was produced †. Patients’ levels of the T4 thyroid hormone increased anywhere from 7-24% in one study.† Another study showed that over two weeks, T3 levels increased by 18% and T5 levels by 111%1†
This unique herb increased both endurance and mental performance in patients who reported mild weakness and fatigue†. It has also been shown to help balance the immune system, and in animal studies, it was shown to reduce inflammation.†11
Unlike iodine, zinc is plentiful in a variety of foods, including nuts, beans, red meat, whole grains, and certain dairy products. Low levels of zinc can impair the thyroid in addition to causing other symptoms such as hair loss, diarrhea, and loss of appetite†. It is thought that zinc may help boost the potency of the thyroid hormone T3 because the cells that receive the T3 hormone require zinc in order to function.†4
A whopping 40% of patients who had hypothyroidism (underperforming thyroid) were found to be deficient in this critical vitamin B12†. It has also shown to have an effect on improving energy levels8†
One of the most crucial minerals needed for proper whole-body nutrition and function, magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. It helps prevent the reduction of thyroid hormones caused by intense exercise.†9
In addition, a deficiency in this vital nutrient can interrupt the synthesis of T4, one of the necessary hormones for proper thyroid function.†
Selenium is just as critical to the body as iodine, and even more so for the thyroid†. It helps the thyroid convert the hormones it secretes into a type of hormone that affects your body’s metabolism, a key component in how well you convert food to energy (or conversely, store it as fat)3†
Selenium also acts like a shield for the thyroid, preventing it from damaging itself†. It helps in the case of many thyroid disorders where iodine is not always recommended, such as in the case of Hashimoto’s Disease†
High levels of selenium are found naturally in Brazil nuts, as well as lamb’s liver, oysters, and certain kinds of fish.
(And, let’s be honest, when was the last time you ate lamb’s liver? Probably the last time you ate seaweed, right?)
Many people are reluctant to eat as much fish as they should because of the risk of high levels of mercury and other pollutants, and this can lead to a selenium deficiency. This kind of deficiency is consistently reported in people with low thyroid function†.
This spicy pepper helps boost the rate at which your body converts food into energy, also known as your metabolism.10†
Moly-what? This fairly unknown mineral is needed by the cells that help produce thyroid hormones.†9
Now, you could go out to your local supermarket or pharmacy and buy these items individually, but, as any doctor will tell you, too much of a good thing can be bad for your system. Plus, when was the last time you found ashwagandha at your local vitamin or herbal store?
Not to mention the cost of buying all of these supplements individually can put a strain on your wallet.
That's why the nutritionists behind this supplement have meticulously researched and included the right amounts of these ingredients and much more to help your body help itself in nourishing and supporting your thyroid health.
This unique blend of natural ingredients is a scientifically-backed, lab-tested, ultra-convenient solution that addresses all parts of the NEB formula†.
With this in mind, many people ask me --
There is -- and it’s called ThyroAid.
ThyroAid contains over a dozen carefully selected herbs, including ALL 9 natural ingredients mentioned above, in a precise dose that has been scientifically researched, tested, and encapsulated for your benefit.
The key ingredients in every capsule of ThyroAid are specifically designed to help support natural thyroid health and whole body nutrition†.
By addressing each part of the NEB Formula, ThyroAid is the perfect solution to help keep your thyroid functioning within normal levels†. Just take 2 capsules per day, and let SCIENCE do the rest.
Now, remember the story of my patient at the start of this article?
Here’s what she had to say after just a week of taking ThyroAid:
“I am pretty shocked by the difference in the way I am feeling. I have been at a loss for how to deal with my symptoms of depression ( unchecked or worsened by 3 different antidepressants), extreme difficulty losing weight, very low energy, hair loss, sugar cravings. I haven't lost weight in some time even with calorie restriction. My routine had been to wake up tired, experience regular midday sleepiness (which triggered snacking), and come home ready to sit until I could get away with going to bed. In the last 5 days I have woken up AWAKE, cleaned, vacuumed under the area rugs as well as on top, organized every cabinet in the kitchen, and FORGOTTEN to eat. I have lost 2 pounds. I am pretty astonished. I am so grateful for the improvement in how I am feeling. I can think of nothing else to credit for it but this [ThyroAid].”
And this was just after one week!
Then she sent me this update...
“UPDATE! Things have only gotten better. My energy is way up, I am sleeping better, and best of all - ZERO depression. Life is as it ever was, busy, challenging, etc. I have had a few emotional events recently that I just handled, no drama, no depression funk. I wish I had tried this years ago. I'm sure this won't be the "cure" for everyone, we all have different needs, but even for a thyroid that is "normal" like my labs said mine was, I think this should be tried for depression, fatigue, and other thyroid symptoms before prescription medicine.”
And this lady isn’t the only one…
Here are a few more...
“Awesome product! I have an underactive thyroid and with that comes exhaustion and brain fog. Before this product I couldn't wait to get home from work so that I could just crash on the sofa. I always felt foggy and groggy, it was difficult to have enough energy to just make it through the day. I was between insurance coverage and couldn't really get all the blood work done to get my prescription of synthroid refilled so I started looking for something natural that could possibly work for me until I could get the insurance coverage to get prescription refilled.”
And another...
“I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a year ago and the doctor says that with the synthroid my hormone levels are in the normal range. I don't care what the blood tests are, I don't feel normal. I just started taking this product about 3 weeks ago and I can already tell a dramatic difference in my energy level.”
This happy customer had a severe case of Hashimoto thyroid disease leaving her tired every day...
I have been using this for a few weeks now and I am very please with the results. I have hoshimoto thyroid disease which leaves me tired most days. I also work nights which makes it a challenge to stay awake despite 8 hours of sleep. I take this in the evening to prevent any interactions with my synthroid. The results are amazing. I have so much energy and wake up feeling refresh each day.
And thousands of happy customers with over 370 of them leaving glowing reviews for ThyroAid!
When you purchase ThyroAid, you not only get the benefits of applying the NEB formula, but so much more -- including:
100% real, natural results† - Don’t suffer in silence any more
Easy-to-swallow capsules that are gentle on your stomach†
Precise doses of every ingredient† - Scientifically researched ingredients and formula
Thousands of highly satisfied customers! - With a 4-5 star rating
Buy direct from the manufacturer - no middleman so you save more!
Bulk buy discounts - So you can stock up and save
Manufactured in the USA - In an FDA-registered facility using Current Good Manufacturing Processes (CGMPs) - That means no fluff and no fillers -- just real, natural ingredients!†
Purity tested - Every batch is tested to ensure ZERO impurities or contamination. You can trust what is on the label is in the bottle and NOTHING ELSE!†
Super FAST, FREE shipping - For all USA orders over $40!
World-class customer support - We welcome your questions!
FREE downloadable guide - To help you get the best possible results
Buy 1, Give 1 - Each purchase you make helps us provide lifesaving vitamins and nutritional supplements to those in need through the VitaminAngels charity
Our Empty Bottle Guarantee! Try ThyroAid today and if you’re unhappy with it for any reason within the first two months, simply send the remainder (or the empty bottle) back to us for a full refund - no questions asked.
Simply put, ThyroAid is the most advanced thyroid support formula available anywhere, and the 1000s of satisfied users are testament to the quality, results, and ultimate success of the product.
I've been taking this supplement for about three weeks now. I can't say I notice a sizable difference in energy but it certainly has not hindered it either. I'm willing to give it more time and see if the effects become more noticeable.
- Jody Miller
Before writing a review I decided to use the product for at least a month. I have had blood tests over the past two years that show that my thyroid is low normal and I wanted to find some kind of support through natural supplements. I am very pleased with the product so far and have just ordered more. I have increased energy, better sleep and a lot less hair loss. I am extremely happy with this product!
- Colorado Mom
I have had zero side effects with this supplement when I changed over from the natural ones. I will continue this product because of my faith and belief in the quality of Nutracraft products. Recommended. I have been taking a prescription thyroid for many years as mentioned, but I am now on my 2nd bottle and the change in my energy levels is quite noticeable!
This product somehow decreases my appetite, resulting in less food consumed, and as a result I have lost a few pounds without making any efforts! Nutracraft produces the very finest products out there and I am now a firm beliver in this great product, period!
I feel better naturally and I have noticed that this product boosts my overall positive nature towards stressfull situations! I will continue this thyroid product from Nutracraft from here on in! Recommended very highly!!
- Dr. Robert E. Champion
Option 1: Continue to do nothing, and worry about your thyroid health and functionOROption 2: Try ThyroAid risk-free and get back to living your life to the fullest! Start to see and feel your body restored to its natural balance!
Anyone who is concerned about their thyroid health may wonder what they can do to keep it functioning within normal levels.
But now, you can take control and give your body the nutrients it needs to properly support normal thyroid health while restoring balance throughout the body – naturally! Stock up and save with special, limited-time pricing on ThyroAid when you buy 3, 6, or more bottles!
ThyroAid #1 Thyroid Fighting Formula
ThyroAid #1 Thyroid Fighting Formula
SAVE 10%
ThyroAid #1 Thyroid Fighting Formula
SAVE 15%
We want you to feel safe and confident about using our specially formulated, all-natural supplement, which is why we stand behind our product with our exclusive Empty Bottle Guarantee.
If you don’t see and feel a noticeable difference in overall wellness and health, then we don’t want you to feel obligated to keep using ThyroAid. You may need to see your doctor to have tests run to determine more about your thyroid function. Simply send the bottle back to us for a refund of your purchase*, no questions asked.
This product has been such a blessing in disguise. I have always known I had an under active thyroid gland. I always felt fatigued, cold, and always in a terrible mood. But now I'm sleeping better and also I don't get cold like I did. My health has definitely improved and I actually started feeling much better. I will definitely be buying more when I run out.
- John Jamison
I suffer from periods of low t5, and I have hair loss, fatigue and hip pain. I am on thyroxine but need a little bit of extra help. This product so far has been amazing. No pain grumbles, no fatigue. I'm hoping my hair will stop falling out!! I feel so much better already. It complements my prescription thyroxine. Would defo recommend this product.
- Jayne Bond
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this product. I was put on Levothyroxine by my PCP with no results. I now no longer feel that urge to nap every afternoon, I have more energy, have been able to lose a couple pounds, and overall feel great!
- Melissa Cogan
At Nutracraft, we don’t want you to worry about your thyroid health. That’s why we’re giving you a FREE guide entitled How to Get the Best Possible Results with Nutracraft ThyroAid -- yours absolutely free when you buy one or more bottles of ThyroAid.
In this helpful guide, you’ll learn how to eat in order to support thyroid hormonal balance while improving energy and libido†. This approach, combined with a regimen of ThyroAid, can help you regain your body’s natural balance and wellness†.
You’ll also get tips on how to get the best results with ThyroAid, answers to your most common questions, and diet and lifestyle advice to maximize your chance of success. You won’t want to miss this free, downloadable guide, so watch your inbox after you place your order!
At Nutracraft, we believe that EVERYONE should have access to good nutrition. We believe good health is a right, NOT a privilege afforded by only the wealthy or educated. So we have partnered with VitaminAngels, a non-profit charity helping at-risk populations in need (in the USA and worldwide) gain access to life-changing vitamins and minerals.
hrough our partnership, for every bottle of ThyroAid purchased, we will give a bottle of vitamins and minerals to a person in need.
By working with VitaminAngels through our buy 1, give 1 arrangement, we can help provide lifesaving nutrition to mothers and children under five at risk of malnutrition—reducing preventable illness, blindness, and death—to create a healthier world.
Here’s what some of the thousands of people who have tried ThyroAid have to say about it!
1. Gannon JM et al. "Subtle changes in thyroid indices during a placebo-controlled study of an extract of Withania somnifera in persons with bipolar disorder." J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014 Oct-Dec;5(4):241-5. doi: 10.4103/0975-9476.146566.
2. Pearce EN et al. "National trends in iodine nutrition: is everyone getting enough?" Thyroid. 2007 Sep;17(9):823-7.
Nussey S, et al. "An Integrated Approach" Oxford: BIOS Scientific Publishers; 2001. Chapter 3, The thyroid gland.
3. Roberto Negro "Selenium and thyroid autoimmunity" Biologics. 2008 Jun; 2(2): 265-273.
4. Maxwell C et al. "Effect of zinc supplementation on thyroid hormone function. A case study of two college females." Ann Nutr Metab. 2007;51(2):188-94. Epub 2007 May 30.
5. Freake HC et al. "Actions and interactions of thyroid hormone and zinc status in growing rats." J Nutr. 2001 Apr;131(4):1135-41.
6. W Khaliq et al. "Reductions in tyrosine levels are associated with thyroid hormone and catecholamine disturbances in sepsis" Intensive Care Med Exp. 2015 Dec; 3(Suppl 1): A686.
7. Cinar V "The effects of magnesium supplementation on thyroid hormones of sedentars and Tae-Kwon-Do sportsperson at resting and exhaustion." Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2007 Oct;28(5):708-12.
8. Jabbar A et al. "Vitamin B12 deficiency common in primary hypothyroidism." J Pak Med Assoc. 2008 May;58(5):258-61.
9. Klaudia Brix et al. "Molecules important for thyroid hormone synthesis and action - known facts and future perspectives" Thyroid Res. 2011; 4(Suppl 1): S9.
10. Mark F McCarty et al. "Capsaicin may have important potential for promoting vascular and metabolic health" Open Heart. 2015; 2(1): e000262.
11. Panossian A et al. "Evidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms related to their stress-protective activity." Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Sep;4(3):198-219. Epub 2009 Sep 1.