Liver Blog Posts

You’ve likely heard the phrase “Love your liver!” There are plenty of reasons to love your liver. In fact, there are over 500 reasons! The liver is such a powerful and vital organ that it performs over 500 different functions. We rely on the liver every day to keep us healthy and protect us from toxic overload. Toxins Are Everywhere...

The most important function the liver has is to detoxify your blood. Your liver plays a critical role in ridding your body of unhealthy toxins that could make you sick, impair the functioning of your cells, and age your body by causing damage. But this organ has many other functions. The liver is not an isolated organ. It’s deeply connected...

Your liver is incredibly important to your health. The fact that it has over 500 functions in the human body attests to that fact! Unfortunately, many people develop weak or impaired livers due to unhealthy lifestyles that involve lack of exercise, smoking, drinking too much, and eating processed food. The environmental pollution that we live in is an additional burden...

Are heavy metals really a threat to your health? Is “detoxing” from them a fad or a farce? It’s not a fad or a farce - if done correctly. And yes, heavy metals are really a threat to your health and can build up over time in the tissues of your body. This buildup of pollutants like toxic heavy metals...

Your liver works continually to keep your body clean. That’s an important duty since more than ever our world is steeped in toxicants. Our food, water, and air are full of pollution, and our livers are tasked with detoxifying whatever we absorb. Thus, many of our livers are overworked. Imagine living in a polluted city and eating toxic processed food...

Since the industrial revolution, our world has become much more toxic. Factories and fossil fuel production have taken a toll on the environment - and as a consequence, on our bodies as well. The Centers for Disease Control has stated that the current environment is 100 times more toxic than in our grandparents’ time. All sorts of pollutants have infested...

In modern times, our livers are constantly being stressed. Due to our overeating along with the processed food we take in on a regular basis, our livers are getting overwhelmed. Pollution and toxic chemicals from the air, water, food, and medications add to the liver’s burden. A healthy liver is intricately involved in metabolizing and breaking down fat so that...

Ever since the industrial revolution, our world has become much more toxic. All the factories and fossil fuel have taken a toll on the environment. The Centers for Disease Control has stated that the current environment is 100 times more toxic than in our grandparents’ time. Pollutants such as synthetic pesticides, herbicides, plasticizers in meat and food packaging, and heavy...

Your liver is a critical component in keeping your body in balance. A healthy liver  effectively cleanses the body of toxicants (toxic substances in food, water, and air) that you come into contact with through your environment as well as toxins that your own body creates. For example, the liver flushes out excess hormones such as estrogen and unneeded metabolites...

Our livers are taking a beating. All the chemicals, pollutants, and processed foods that make their way into our bodies are clogging up this precious organ. Alongside a vast array of duties, this all-important organ is tasked with cleansing our bodies of impurities. The liver is your detox organ. It cleanses toxicants (toxic substances in food, water and air) that...

Vegetable and fruit juices can be a quick and easy way to consume a TON of nutrition. When you put veggies and fruits into a juicing machine, the fiber is removed and you are left with the essence of the plant – a liquid that requires virtually no digestion but is packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical antioxidants. Among these...

Your liver is critical for keeping your body detoxified. One of its most important functions is cleansing. A healthy liver is supposed to cleanse toxicants (toxic substances in food, water, and air) that you intake as well as toxins that your body creates. For instance, the liver flushes out excess hormones like estrogen and a vast array of unnecessary metabolites...

You’ve probably heard about inflammation and how this process is implicated in many diseases. Inflammation exists to send signals to the immune system to neutralize damaging threats to your body. Unfortunately, excessive inflammation can cause oxidative stress which damages your tissues. Key Point Elevated liver enzymes are a sign that your liver is being damaged by inflammation. Your liver can...

The liver is a vital organ that needs detoxifying every now and then. Why? Because the liver is responsible for many of the functions that maintain homeostasis within our body. The most common function of the liver is to cleanse our blood from toxins (created by your own body) and toxicants (toxic substances from outside sources such as food, water,...

Drinking water infused with fruits a veggies is one of the most effective ways to keep your body clean and detoxifying effectively. Water comprises much of your body (about 60% of the body for adult men and 50% for women). Many have found that making pitchers of infused water makes them more likely to drink the water they need to...

As more and more of the world becomes industrialized and as factories sprout up in previously undeveloped countries, our environment becomes even more polluted. The Earth’s oceans and waterways bear a large burden of this pollution. After all, over 70% of our planet’s surface is water. Various types of pollution gather in the ocean. Perhaps the most important are plastics...

Before you have a sip on that can of diet coke consider this... Accounts of the history of modern diet soda beverages read almost like conspiracy theories. There are claims of early scientific reports, including FDA boards of scientists, labeling aspartame, an artificial sugar substitute found in Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, as a possible carcinogen. It has been shown...

The U.S., compared to Europe and other parts of the world, has been more lax in the governmental regulation of food and farming practices. Other countries have banned certain foods and agricultural chemicals that the United States still allows. Other countries seem to be more sensitive to evidence highlighting the possible, or probable, toxicity of sketchy unnatural foods and harsh...

There are many reasons why adding the juice of a lemon to your water in the morning is a good thing and brings benefits to your health. Citrus fruits contain medicinal compounds that include flavonoids, alkaloids, limonoids, coumarins, carotenoids and phenolic acids as well as essential oils that boost health. These constituents act as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, anti-carcinogenic, and are...
