Our Ancestors Never Experienced The Harmful Toxins That Our Livers Deal With Today...

The #1 Threat To Your Health & How To Supercharge Your Health With Natural Techniques

From the Desk of Evan Burns (MSc Nutrition)

Lead Researcher at Nutracraft

Here’s a fun fact, the underrated, neglected organ, the liver - just so happens to perform more than 300 vital functions (second only to the brain). It only makes sense that our ancestors used to call the liver, “the home of the human soul.

Here’s a fun fact, the underrated, neglected organ, the liver - just so happens to perform more than 300 vital functions (second only to the brain). It only makes sense that our ancestors used to call the liver, “the home of the human soul.”

Dating back to the Greeks, to the Mesopotamians, and to various other ancients - they all associated the liver as one of, if not - the most important organ in our entire body.

The reason I’m telling you all of this is because if you aren’t careful with the way you treat your body, you could potentially end up with a life-altering liver disease that comes in the form of several nasty ailments.

Which brings me to the #1 threat affecting everyone on the planet today...

I’m talking about excess pollutants and toxins!

Did you know the European Chemicals agency estimates there are more than 144,000 man-made chemicals in existence. The US Department of Health estimates 2000 new chemicals are being released every year. The UN Environment Program warns most of these have never been screened for human health safety," he says.

The World Health Organisation estimates that 12 million people – one in 4 – die every year from diseases caused by 'air water and soil pollution, chemical exposures, climate change and ultraviolet radiation', all of which result from human activity."27

Crazy, right...??

Here are just a few of the 100’s of common pollutants that are affecting your health and that need to be processed by the liver.

  • Air pollutants

  • Smoking (1st and 2nd hand)

  • Some prescription medicines

  • Excess salt

  • Eating a diet high in high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils

  • Drinking alcohol excessively

  • Drinking too much caffeine or using other stimulant drugs

  • Having uncontrolled high blood sugar

The question then becomes... if pollutants are so common how do we avoid them or help our body to process them so they don’t affect our health?

Revitalizing your liver and maintaining healthy functioning needs to be a priority if you want to live a healthy, meaningful life.

I’ve spent years studying, learning, and optimizing every single tidbit of information out there about the human body and how the liver is responsible for literally hundreds of different processes.

Between me and my research team, we have gone through hundreds of studies, spoke to countless physicians, and worked together to find out what matters when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle.

It turns out, healthy liver function is one of the most important factors when it comes to a life without any constant ailments, diseases, or misfortunes.

The society we live in deteriorates our liver slowly… but surely, if we’re not careful.

Our team has developed the most effective tactics, the most powerful natural-based ingredients, and utmost comprehensive information to help you achieve the life you deserve..

Fortunately, we are willing to share with you all of the extensive information we have compiled because it is our mission as a team to help everyone become the most powerful, healthiest versions of themselves.

By reading everything we share here, you’ll learn:

  • How achieving a healthy liver can revitalize your health...

  • Why inflammation is much more dangerous to your liver than you think and how to fix it...

  • Why your liver enzymes are most likely elevated even if you live a healthy lifestyle…

  • The top foods you probably aren’t eating that help cleanse your liver…

  • Essential herbs you need to be consuming to rejuvenate your liver…

...and much, much more.

Before we get into the foods, herbs, and state-of-the-art ingredients we have discovered to attain liver health…

I want to go over why your liver enzymes might be elevated and why this is more detrimental to your health than you think. Here’s the thing, I’m sure you’ve heard how inflammation is bad for your health in almost every way possible.

You see, inflammation exists to send signals to the immune system in order to neutralize damaging threats to your body. Unfortunately, excessive inflammation can cause oxidative stress which can damage your tissues.

Elevated liver enzymes are a sign that your liver is facing damage from inflammation.

It’s vital for you to know the reasons why your liver enzymes are elevated and it’s just important to know which enzymes should be looked at.

There are two enzymes that are often measured in the blood that indicate inflammation and damage in your liver - alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST). Getting tests for these enzymes can indicate whether your liver is healthy or not and can also help identify liver diseases.

As you can probably guess, you do NOT want these enzymes to be elevated, ever.

The liver is absolutely essential to your health and, in more ways than you can ever imagine - from hormone regulation, to digestion, to hormone regulation, to detoxing, and much more - all handled by your liver.

You see, as I’ve explained earlier, your liver is critical for keeping your body detoxified and one of the most important functions it has is cleansing. Remember, your liver has countless amounts of functions and it’s responsible for cleansing toxicants (toxic substances in food, water, and air).

The reason for emphasizing this is because the modern society we live in has a higher amount of environmental pollutants than ever before. In fact…

Our ancestors’ livers did NOT have to process nearly as many toxic pollutants that we have to process today.

Essentially, we have to work that much harder to maintain a healthy liver just because of the toxicants we are exposed to in which we have no control over.

One very effective way to start enhancing your liver’s cleansing functions is by eating the right foods.

Here is a list of foods known to revitalize your liver:

#1 Broccoli

Cruciferous vegetables are very well-known for having detoxifying effects on the liver. Recent research has demonstrated the powerful effects of cruciferous compounds including abilities to help inhibit cancer cell growth in test tube experiments 3.

What’s even more important is broccoli’s powerful detoxification-supporting effects on the liver and, scientists have even identified the active compounds that are responsible for these effects (indole-3-carbinol and diindolylmethane)3.

These compounds induce phase I and II detox enzymes which are crucial for clearing toxins from the liver and body.

#2 Garlic

Garlic has been considered a cleansing and therapeutic food for a long time. It contains sulfurous compounds which feeds the main detoxifying antioxidant in the liver - glutathione4.

It also promotes the detoxifying phase II enzymes (similar to broccoli). This same action has evidence in speeding up the detoxification of carcinogens from the liver.

#3 Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy greens such as lettuce contain ample amounts of chlorophyll which gives the ability to bind to carcinogens rendering it less harmful to your body.

Additionally, chlorophyll also has detoxification abilities and, in this sense, are more

direct than foods that enhance liver detox enzymes. In theory, by soaking up toxins - chlorophyll can aid and also relieve the clean-up burden of the liver.

#4 Cabbage

There is some evidence showing how cabbage can have profound protective effects on the liver 5. It may be able to lower liver inflammation and also have “potential therapeutic effects” which, protects against liver “injury” 5.

#5 Lemons

Lemons have shown benefits in liver health in several animal studies6. And scientists have also concluded that vitamin C plays a HUGE role in protecting the liver 7. One of the beneficial factors is in the efficacy in humans for improving fatty liver disease8.12

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you’re doing your liver a giant favor. Living a long healthy life means making your liver health an absolute priority.

On top of these liver-protecting foods, we did even more research…

My team of nutritionists and researchers came up with a list of the most effective herbs you can supplement in order to supercharge your liver health even further…

Remember, our liver has a ridiculous amount of duties.

Medical textbooks are putting the liver’s known functions in the human body at around 500. Like we talked about before, it plays a big role in building proteins and hormones, digestion, along with many other tasks.

Our next breakthrough recommendation to help regenerate your liver’s cleansing abilities is to consume the right herbs..

Here is a list of herbs you should take for liver health:

Herb #1 - Milk Thistle

In humans, milk thistle has been shown to decrease liver weight. Researchers believe this is because abnormal fat accumulation (a sign of liver damage) was prevented9.

The active component of milk thistle, silybin, is able to penetrate cell membranes with ease and it works its cleansing, protective scavenging abilities on the inside of the cells, where it matters10.

Herb #2 - N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

NAC is a sulphurous amino acid derivative that is very powerful at cleansing and protecting your liver. In fact, hospitals use it to prevent liver failure in people who have overdosed on over-the-counter painkillers 11.

It is highly supportive of the liver due to it being a precursor of glutathione which is the set of antioxidants that the liver uses to detoxify harmful and unneeded substances.

Herb #3 - Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most powerful natural herbs known to man and its’ main active component, curcumin, have demonstrated antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and modulates enzymes in the body that promote these healthy effects 12.

In a placebo-controlled human trial regarding fatty liver disease, curcumin (in turmeric) was successful in causing a “78.9% improvement” versus a “27.5% improvement in the placebo group” in relation to fat liver content (an indicator of liver disease) 13.

Herb #4 - Artichoke Leaf Extract

In another human placebo-controlled trial, artichoke leaf extract promoted “higher improvement in liver enzymes” and researchers concluded that the herb has liver-protective properties14.

Herb #5 - Schizandra Berry Extract

Schizandra berry has been used since the ancient times in traditional Chinese medicine to fight a variety of disorders and is also known for having a unique set of combined flavors (sweet, sour, and bitter) when eaten.

Matter of fact, schisandra even “facilitates liver regeneration”, as it stimulates the growth of liver cells 15. It has been studied and shows that it activates “liver regeneration-related genes” and can also help the liver repair after injury15.

Is there any way I can reap the benefits of a healthy liver without having to change my whole diet and lifestyle?

Look, I realize that it sounds like a LOT of work to improve your liver health.

Throughout my years of research...

Finally, my team and I have developed something that will drastically rejuvenate your liver health without having to completely change your lifestyle…

By combining a few key natural ingredients such as the herbs we talked about before…

We have successfully crafted a nutritional supplement especially effective in cleansing, purifying, and revitalizing your liver.

You see, while it certainly works to incorporate all the multiple techniques, foods, herbs, and lifestyle changes in order to achieve a healthy liver - wouldn’t it make more sense to just consume the few most effective natural ingredients to revitalize your liver?

It gets even better…

What if I told you that…

There is a culmination of ingredients out there that takes all of the best liver invigorating herbs and is combined into something powerful…

I understand it sounds almost too good to be true…


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  • week I was taking this product my urine smelled funny. I'm sure it was the toxins in my

    The first week I was taking this product my urine smelled funny. I'm sure it was the toxins in my system and now that I have been taking it for 2 weeks all is back to normal. The one thing I did notice was my stomach feel much better. I will continue to take these. I would recommend them. I just feel so much better.


  • High Quality Ingredients-easy to swallow

    Only time will tell in the long ruin with this product but seems to be working for me. I certainly need help in cleansing. I have several medical issues and this will help with my overall strategy for detoxifcation. The capsule are easy to swallow. The list of ingredients is of high quality if you conduct your own due diligence.

    James Rinehart

  • LiverLift Works Good For Me

    I have a health issue that is not pleasant and causes my liver to get an overload of toxins. I take various supplements to assist my liver with detoxing. I needed to buy more when I ran across an ad where Nutra-craft was offering LiverLift free in exchange for an opinion and review. I was happy to give them a try and I am glad I did. These are very effective for me. All of the ingredients are essential in detoxing and supporting the liver. I started taking them the day they arrived and find they work good for me. On days when I feel more toxic than normal, I add an extra dose of the LiverLift and it is helpful for me. They are made in the USA so that is a big plus to me.


With the help of my team at Nutracraft, we have developed one of the most impressive supplements out there that synergistically combines earth’s strongest ingredients into a supplement that will supercharge your liver…


LiverLift: An all-natural supplement that combines the most effective natural ingredients to revitalize, rejuvenate, and cleanse your sluggish liver.

LiverLift is an all-in-one liver cleansing formula we have developed to effectively promote liver health and cleansing abilities.

With all of the science-backed research on how natural ingredients can improve the health and functioning of livers in humans, it would be an absolute no-brainer to utilize therapeutic properties by picking a formula that comprehensively addresses liver function

Natural Ingredients Combined to Reinvigorate the Liver

Milk Thistle

In humans, milk thistle has been shown to decrease liver weight and researchers believe this probably because abnormal fat accumulation – a sign of liver damage – was prevented 16. In other words, liver damage might have been mitigated. In animal studies, milk thistle significantly increases the cleansing, protective, and detoxifying antioxidant, glutathione, in the liver17.

The active component of milk thistle, silybin, helps penetrate cell membranes easier and has protective, cleansing free-radical scavenging abilities in the inside of cells, where it actually matters 17.

In humans, milk thistle helped lower levels of glucose, insulin, and triglycerides – all three may be elevated in cases of diabetes, weight gain, and metabolic syndrome 18.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

This sulfurous amino acid derivative is so powerful at protecting and cleansing the liver that hospitals use it to prevent liver failure in people who have overdosed on over-the-counter painkillers 19.

NAC is a precursor of glutathione which is the set of antioxidants the liver uses to detoxify harmful and unneeded substances. In humans, NAC improved a liver function measurement in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 20.


Turmeric and it’s main active component curcumin, have demonstrated its properties to act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even modulates enzymes in the body that promote these healthy effects 21.

In a placebo- controlled human trial, curcumin (in turmeric) was successful in causing a “78.9% improvement” versus a “27.5% improvement in the placebo group [16]. In this same study, curcumin demonstrated that curcumin causes significant reductions in body mass index, cholesterol, and triglycerides 22.

Artichoke Leaf Extract

In a human placebo-controlled trial, artichoke leaf extract promoted “higher improvement in liver enzymes” and researchers conluded that the herb has liver-protective properties 23. Researchers also gave the credit to “flavonoids and caffeoylquinic acid” for its healing effect on the liver 23.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root helps the flow of bile from the liver to the gallbladder and then to the intestines for elimination 24. Not only does bile help digest fats, it also contains waste products from the liver so, having bile flow smoothly is crucial for the elimination of toxins from the liver 25.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Also known as ALA, this antioxidant is known for regenerating and increasing several antioxidants in human trials and it demonstrated liver-protecting effects in mice by increasing numerous antioxidants in liver tissue and showed signs of decreasing liver damage 26.


For years, researchers have noted that selenium is needed in order for the liver to produce adequate glutathione to protect itself and detoxify harmful substances 27.

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Listen, the amount of money we spent crafting this supplement is not even comparable to the value you are receiving from order LiverLift. We have spent countless hours in order to make sure this liver supplement would go above and beyond…

We at Nutracraft are SO confident in our supplement that…

We Are Willing to Give You a 100% Money Back Guarantee No Matter What

That means if you really want to, you can go through the whole bottle and if you find that it didn’t work out for you - you can return it to us and we have no problem giving you a 100% money-back refund.

Here’s the amount of value you’re about to receive:

By simply ordering a bottle of LiverLift, you will be well on your way to rejuvenating your liver, re-energizing your body, and not have to worry about drastic lifestyle/diet changes just to spark your liver back to normal..

We talked about the dangers of having elevated liver enzymes…

We talked about the foods you should eat to speed up your liver…

And we even talked about the herbs you should consume to recharge your sluggish liver…

With all of the information we have on liver health, we have taken all of this into account in order to create the most effective product for restoring your liver health…

  • week I was taking this product my urine smelled funny. I'm sure it was the toxins in my

    The first week I was taking this product my urine smelled funny. I'm sure it was the toxins in my system and now that I have been taking it for 2 weeks all is back to normal. The one thing I did notice was my stomach feel much better. I will continue to take these. I would recommend them. I just feel so much better.


  • High Quality Ingredients-easy to swallow

    Only time will tell in the long ruin with this product but seems to be working for me. I certainly need help in cleansing. I have several medical issues and this will help with my overall strategy for detoxifcation. The capsule are easy to swallow. The list of ingredients is of high quality if you conduct your own due diligence.

    James Rinehart

  • LiverLift Works Good For Me

    I have a health issue that is not pleasant and causes my liver to get an overload of toxins. I take various supplements to assist my liver with detoxing. I needed to buy more when I ran across an ad where Nutra-craft was offering LiverLift free in exchange for an opinion and review. I was happy to give them a try and I am glad I did. These are very effective for me. All of the ingredients are essential in detoxing and supporting the liver. I started taking them the day they arrived and find they work good for me. On days when I feel more toxic than normal, I add an extra dose of the LiverLift and it is helpful for me. They are made in the USA so that is a big plus to me.


Right Now, You Have a Choice to Make:

Option 1: You take all of the extremely useful information we have given you and continue to make drastic lifestyle changes in order to restore your liver back to its’ normal state.

You’ll have to completely change your diet..

You will have to incorporate major lifestyle changes…

Option 2: You can simply purchase LiverLift, utilize nature’s OWN ingredients that we have strategically crafted into an all-in-one powerful liver revitalizing health supplement.

By doing this, you won’t have to make complete lifestyle changes just to rejuvenate your liver.

All you’d have to do is make sure you take LiverLift regularly while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

With Every Bottle You Purchase, Nutracraft Will Help A Person In Need

At Nutracraft we believe that EVERYONE should have access to good nutrition. We believe good health is a right NOT a privilege afforded by only the wealthy or educated. So we have partnered with VitaminAngels, a non-profit charity helping at-risk populations in need (in the USA and worldwide) gain access to life changing vitamins and minerals.

Through our partnership, for every bottle of HairXcel purchased we will give a bottle of vitamins and minerals to a person in need.

By working with VitaminAngels through our buy 1, give 1 arrangement we can help provide lifesaving nutrition to mothers and children under five at risk of malnutrition — reducing preventable illness, blindness, and death — to create a healthier world.

1000’s of satisfied customers can’t be wrong!

Here's what people who have tried LiverLift Cleanse have to say about it!


1. 1. Williams CD et al. "Prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis among a largely middle-aged population utilizing ultrasound and liver biopsy: a prospective study" Gastroenterology. 2011 Jan;140(1):124-31. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2010.09.038. Epub 2010 Sep 19.

2. Jack A. Hinson et al. "Mechanisms of Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Necrosis" Handb Exp Pharmacol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 Jan 1.

3. Nachshon-Kedmi M et al. "Indole-3-carbinol and 3,3'-diindolylmethane induce apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells:' Food Chem Toxicol. 2003 Jun;41(6):745-52.

4. Lu SC "Regulation of hepatic glutathione synthesis:' Semin Liver Dis. 1998;18(4):331-43.

5. Al-Dosari MS "Red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) mediates redox-sensitive amelioration of dyslipidemia and hepatic injury induced by exogenous cholesterol administrationf Am J Chin Med. 2014;42(1):189-206. doi: 10.1142/50192415X1450013X.

6. Al-Shamsi M et al. "Effect of vitamin C on liver and kidney functions in normal and diabetic rats:' Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Nov;1084:371-90.

7. Karakilcik AZ et al. "Effects of vitamin Con liver enzymes and biochemical parameters in rats anesthetized with halothane." Gen Physiol Biophys. 2005 Mar;24(1):47-55.

8. Ersaz Get al. "Management of fatty liver disease with vitamin E and C compared to ursodeoxycholic acid treat-ment:' Turk J Gastroenterol. 2005 Sep;16(3):124-8.

9. Pilar Pais et al. "In Vivo Efficacy Study of Milk Thistle Extract (ETH IS-0941 in STAMT" Model of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis" Drugs R D. 2014 Dec; 14(4): 291-299.

10. Carmela Loguercio et al. "Silybin and the liver: From basic research to clinical practice" World J Gastroenterol. 2011 May 14; 17(18): 2288-2301.

11. Hu J et al. "Efficacy and safety of acetylcysteine in "non-acetaminophen" acute liver failure: A meta-analysis of prospective clinical trials." Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2015 Oct;39(5):594-9. doi: 10.1016/j.- clinre.2015.01.003. Epub 2015 Feb 26.

12. Bifeng Gao et al. "The clinical potential of influencing Nrf2 signaling in degenerative and immunological disor-ders" Clin Pharmacol. 2014; 6: 19-34.

13. Rahmani S et al. "Treatment of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Curcumin: A Randomized Placebo-con-trolled Trial:' Phytother Res. 2016 Sep;30(9):1540-8. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5659. Epub 2016 Jun 8.

14. Vajiheh Rangboo et al. "The Effect of Artichoke Leaf Extract on Alanine Aminotransferase and Aspartate Ami-notransferase in the Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis" Int J Hepatol. 2016; 2016: 4030476.

15. Schisandra sphenanthera Extract Facilitates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy in Mice. Li X, Fan X, Li D, Zeng X, Zeng H, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Huang M, Bi H. Drug Metab Dispos. 2016 May;44(5):647-652.

16. Pilar Pais et al. "In Vivo Efficacy Study of Milk Thistle Extract (ETHIS-094") in SIAM' Model of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis" Drugs R D. 2014 Dec; 14(4): 291-299.

17. Carmela Loguercio et al. "Silybin and the liver: From basic research to clinical practice" World J Gastroenterol. 2011 May 14; 17(18): 2288-2301.

18. Manouchehr Khoshbaten et al. "N-Acetylcysteine Improves Liver Function in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease" Hepat Mon. 2010 Winter; 10(1): 12-16.

19. Mehrdad Modaresi et al. "The Effect of Taraxacum officinale Hydroalcoholic Extract on Blood Cells in Mice" Adv Hematol. 2012; 2012: 653412.

20. Huseini HF et al. "The efficacy of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. (silymarin) in the treatment of type II diabe-tes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial!' Phytother Res. 2006 Dec;20(12):1036-9.

21. Rahmani Set al. "Treatment of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Curcumin: A Randomized Placebo-con-trolled Trial!' Phytother Res. 2016 Sep;30(9):1540-8. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5659. Epub 2016 Jun 8.

22. Vajiheh Rangboo et al. "The Effect of Artichoke Leaf Extract on Alanine Aminotransferase and Aspartate Ami-notransferase in the Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis" Int J Hepatol. 2016; 2016: 4030476.

23. Bifeng Gao et al. "The clinical potential of influencing Nrf2 signaling in degenerative and immunological disor-ders" Clin Pharmacol. 2014; 6: 19-34.

24. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0022186/ 25. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0022186/ 26. Aaseth J et al. "Selenium, alcohol and liver diseases!' Ann Clin Res. 1986;18(1):43-7. 27. Julian Cribb. "Surviving the 21st Century" https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319412696#aboutBook
