The miracle food that works to naturally heal the gut and repair damage done by free radicals and other bad bacteria
The role of digestive enzymes in proper digestion and 7 enzymes that will help to break down fat, protein and carbs.
The surprising use of a common sunburn remedy to treat digestive distress! You won’t believe how well this herb works!
The weird Korean food (that’s growing in popularity in the U.S.) that not only aids in digestion, but works as an anti-obesity, anti-constipation and anti-cancer food too!
The amazing enzyme that breaks down protein and led to “symptomatic improvements in pain, flatulence and stool frequency” in human studies.
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“In America, it’s estimated that nearly 100 million people out of just over 320 million have some sort of digestive disorder. That’s where this ebook comes in - it will show all those with digestive issues that they can help themselves. After seeing the research, you’ll know that the best way to have long-term digestive health is to practice the natural habits that soothe your gut and make its complex ecosystem of beneficial bacteria thrive ”
Evan Burns - (MSc Nutrition), Lead Researcher at Nutracraft