How to choose the right supplements for your specific age and gender
Discover the two most neglected supplements and why NOT taking them makes your body add unhealthy toxins daily (toxins that cause aging...)
The ''ALL'' rule of B vitamins and how following it stabilizes your mood, decreases anxiety levels and keeps you from getting 'panicky'
The one vitamin deficiency that often causes bad moods and depression (are you getting at least 5000 IU of this important vitamin?)
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"This ebook gives you information that comes from over 30 years practice in the field of nutrition plus my own direct experience with overcoming malnutrition as a child and teenager. It’s all these little nuggets of information that you need and that aren’t discussed anywhere else. Learning the natural way to take care of your health is the ONLY way to maintain health today!"
Dr. Donna Schwontkowski (ret. D.C.), M.S. Nutrition, Master’s in Herbology
(and start optimizing your health today!)